The Life and Times of Florence Knitingale

Saturday, February 10, 2007

In Lieu of Intelligent Content...

(and I'm just immature enough to giggle helplessly when I initially misspelled "lieu")...I offer many photographs. It's a sleight of hand trick...I'm hoping you won't notice until many hours from now when you suddenly look up from your knitting and say "Hey, wait a minute! She wasn't clever at ALL today!" Which I'm surely not, seeing as how my brain has been replaced with about 37.5 pounds of snot while I slept, and they sandpapered my eyeballs and taped my tongue to the roof of my mouth while they were there. Oh, and my chest and back muscles have been replaced with something quite achey, possibly in relation to the 25 +times in a row that I sneezed last night. I wonder if that's how the brains flew from my head, actually?

In any case, here are some shiny things that are shamelessly intended to distract you. First, it is important to include a photo of Grace who, having checked out the elliptical last week is now focusing her interest on the treadmill. I suspect she may be entering a kitty-building competition that I don't know about. I"ll be watching for steroids.

She's trying to look innocent...but I'm not fooled. I've seen those hairy little quad muscles.

It's also important to be aware that I am always carefully watched over while sick:

Miss is in the foreground, using her not-inconsiderable bulk to keep my blanket firmly pinned to the couch (she's sweet as anything, but it would take an earthmover to get her off of anything when she doesn't want to go), while Ed correctly repositions the rug over by the fireplace. He'd really like to know what joker keeps laying it flat.

Speaking of Ed, while he's usually pretty generous regarding his sickroom services: This time he really wanted some head skritches. "A little to the,"

Once he was through getting adored, Ed opted to entertain me with some catnip-sock squirmalating (delightfully appropriate term, courtesy of Monica):

Which, of course, caused Miss to became jealous and demand her own sock....

Don't be fooled by her laidback appearance...she was terribly, terribly jealous. Really. You can see how appreciative she was afterwards.

So much so, in fact, that she even let me have it back for awhile.

Now, if I could only get her to make the other one for me. I mean, as opposed to sitting on the blanket and spitting all over the yarn which, while creative, doesn't seem to lend much to the whole sockmaking process.

I'm going to go weigh my head, see if it's over 4o pounds yet. I feel certain that it is. Not that I'm a total whinybutt or anything.


  • At 4:56 PM, Blogger Marianne said…

    40 lbs of snot...wonder what the 'pressure' would be....
    Miss is a beauty! An absolute beauty! look at that pretty little profile...
    Hey Edster, big boy...
    smurfle for Gussie...
    I hope you feel better soon.

  • At 6:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I hereby charge you with feeling better, also with doing the 6 weird things about yourself meme, details are on my blog...

  • At 11:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Belated sympathies and lots of hot lemonade with honey and whisky for the cold. Ach, what a revoltin' development. Hope you get over the worst soon. I'll bet it was due to stress from The Test as well as Mr. K's contribution, whaddayabet? And--

    Oooh, catses! ::snerk:: Gussie - so innocent-looking, with forepaws primly together! Yeah, we know she's plotting. Miss - lovely pictures, she's such a pretty girl. Ed - ahhhh, Ed. ::sigh:: Ed... (hee; I contributed A Word!)

    Glad you have such devoted warm, furry purry caretakers while your head has magically swelled like a balloon. Just... don't bend over. Trust me on this, although you probably know by now. Man, I hate it when my head falls off and bounces around like that. It hurts.

  • At 1:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I've got about 10lbs running into my tum making me nauseous this morning .Feed me more those cats are gorgeous ...a house full is my dream .In the U.K you have to pass all the test you'd need to adopt a kid to get one .The rescue centres all ask "do you live near a road "? ..well yes who doesn't in the U.K ..or a field with tractors etc. It is near impossible to get a common moggy so we will try another breeder at some time this year .

  • At 2:35 AM, Blogger Holly said…

    I want Grace packed and sent soon...please!

  • At 12:32 PM, Blogger Joanna said…

    That sure is the prettiest bright blue Jaywalker I have ever seen, hope you feel better soon x

  • At 4:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    "Gussie"? I said Gussie? My apologies to Gracie. Oh dear. She'll never speak to me again. And I did it in public, yet.

    If it's any consolation, o delectable Grace, I do it to humans, too. I'm awful with names, it's faces I'm good at.

    Gussie, forsooth... Yeesh. ::proffers fresh mouse mousse with catnip garnish in atonement::

  • At 8:55 AM, Blogger Robin said…

    Your *FurBuddies* are really looking out after you!
    Get better soon!!

  • At 9:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Here's a little something to cheer you up!

  • At 10:12 AM, Blogger beckie said…

    Feel better soon! I am also running around with a 10lb head full of snot-but I am at work. I like to share the joy :)


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